pH-meter, luxmeter, thermometer and humidity measuring instrument Product code: G73195 EAN: 5901477160318
Earth Auger (2 people) + drills(10cm,20cm,30cm) + adaptor 50cm Product code: G84021 EAN: 5901477160684
Rechargeable LED head light winter hat with reflective stripe (yellow) Product code: G90406 EAN: 5901477181313
Wire brush with scraper for cobblestone paving, wooden handle Product code: K00036 EAN: 5901477181993
Aluminium Oxide Abrasive Yellow Disc for Giraffe Sander 225mm Grit 150 Product code: G78685 EAN: 5901477182532 show variants
Klucze płasko-oczkowe polerowane z gumowym uchwytem AntiSlip 6-32mm 12el. CRV (4) Product code: G11141 EAN: 5901477189463
Insulated winter safety shoes S3 SR FO – r. 44 Product code: G90562-44 EAN: 5901477190209 show variants