Szybkozłącze 3/4" SKY-LINE – kartonik wystawowy (20/240)

Kod produktu: G72933A
Kod EAN:5901477194894
Marka GEKO/
Jednostka: kpl.
Op. jednostkowe
opakowanie jednostkowe
A B C Waga
65 45 45 0,050
Op. zbiorcze
opakowanie zbiorcze
Ilość w op. zb.
20 kpl.


SKY-LINE 3/4" Quick Connector – Convenient and Secure Connection!

The SKY-LINE 3/4" Quick Connector is a practical solution for your garden irrigation system. Made from durable plastic with an additional rubber coating, it ensures a secure grip and easy handling. Compatible with standard 3/4" garden hoses.

Product Features:

  • Durable plastic construction – Sturdy and resistant to mechanical damage and weather conditions.
  • Extra rubber coating – Provides a non-slip grip, making installation and removal easy, even with wet hands.

Key Features:

  • Strong construction made from high-quality plastic
  • Non-slip rubberized surface for easier handling
  • Universal compatibility – fits all 3/4" garden hoses


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